Being an online student is way more challenging than most people realize. Part of the reason people choose online schooling is because they can fit it into the nooks and crannies of their already full schedules.
While they know it won’t last forever, and they are whole-heartedly committed to the sacrifice required, let’s face it — adding college to full-time work, family, and other commitments is a daunting undertaking that will strain the student as well as their relationships. And that is nothing to take lightly.
Since adult online students are burning the candle from both ends…and in the middle too…BURNOUT is a reality that most will face.
So what can be done to prevent it? Or manage it once you are already burned out?
John Moore, Ph.D. is a professor of health sciences at online American Public University System. He offers a lot of really great tips for recognizing burnout and dealing with it in this article.
RECOGNIZE BURNOUT – While burnout can mirror other health conditions, most people feel overwhelmed, fatigued, powerless, irritable, and detached from schoolwork. So it may be worthwhile to get a physical to rule out any medical issues.
MANAGE BURNOUT – Moore suggests an honest assessment of the demands in your life, setting boundaries, say “no” to additional demands, designating time for school and sticking to it, among other things. And yes, this means you are going to have to step off the rapidly-spinning merry-go-round to do some of this. It will be worth it.
Another suggestion he makes is to modify your school workload and gives the example of reducing the number of complex courses a student takes at one time.
AT BOTTEGA UNIVERSITY, we know that adult online students can get overwhelmed and burned out by adding school to their busy lives. It reduces the student’s chances to succeed and complete his/her desired degree. The entire focus of our work is to help you earn your degree!
This type of struggle is precisely why we have designed our programs and tuition structure the way we have.
Students pay for only their first class in a term. Once they complete that class, they can accelerate by adding another and another class – at no additional cost; focusing on just one class at a time during the semester.
If the student completes only that first class during the term, (s)he has had a successful term! We celebrate that!
If you can accelerate and complete more than one class in a term, we celebrate that too!
And since accelerating is free, the more courses you can complete in one term, the less your degree will cost you!
That said, the top priority is to ensure your success first with just one class at a time.
With this kind of flexibility, each student can find — and be successful — moving at their own unique pace.
(And that is an important part of YOUR success.)
Click the APPLY NOW button to find out more about how Bottega University can help you achieve your goal of earning that degree…while preventing burnout.