Student Experience
I am writing this letter to express my appreciation to everyone at New Charter University (NCU).
In 2014, I had earned my bachelor’s degree, and had a great job with a great company. Never the less, I was missing something my mother always wanted me to get, my Master’s degree. She never specified the discipline, she just wanted to see me earn a Master’s degree. At the time, I was working as a Supervisor of Security with a mayor hospital chain in the US. I decided to request tuition assistance from my employer in order to complete my Master of Science in Criminal Justice (MSCJ). My employer, expeditiously approved my request for tuition assistance, and I was on my way to earning this important credential. I applied with NCU, and was surprised to see how efficient the process was going for me. In less than a week, I was accepted, and was scheduled for my first class. Even before the first day of class, my instructor emailed me to provide me with encouragement and guidance.
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From the first day, I worked hard at staying ahead of the next lesson, but I was very satisfied at how well my lessons had been structured. Each day of class, I felt more comfortable with the system, and eventually new, I was going to graduate. The classes were challenging, but manageable, and very interesting. I probably spent more time working on my assignment than the typical student, but I could not stay away from my classes.
One year later, I was getting closer to completing my MSCJ and felt confident in applying for my next promotion at work. In March of 2016, I graduated from NCU with a MSCJ, and in April of 2016, I was promoted to Manager of Security by my employer. Today at age 57, I am not looking for another promotion, but it’s nice to know, I am qualified for it. What’s next? Maybe instructing or consulting after retiring!

Carlos M. Lorie
Master of Science in Criminal Justice (MSCJ) 2018
I was an original student of Andrew Jackson which later became New Charter.
The process of moving to New Charter was seamless. I had excellent help from advisors in making the change.
I have worked in healthcare since 1981 in jobs ranging from receptionist in a physician office to CFO of a community hospital. I finished my Master’s degree in healthcare with New Charter a few years ago. The complete on-line format worked very nicely with my work schedule. I found the classes to be challenging and enjoyed the fact that I was learning something new even though I was already in a leadership position. The professors were great to work with and always there if you had an issue or just a quick question. New Charter was a perfect fit for me and I am forever grateful to the university for helping me achieve my goal.

Denise W. Jester
Master’s Degree in Healthcare 2020
Hello, I am Martin Arthur Otieno.
An Alumni and returning student, currently I am engaged in the financial market, I am a technical analyst trading financial instruments and engage in finance and investments in different portfolios, for example, stocks market, D-REIT, and I-REITs among others. With the support of New Charter University, I got introduced to Financial accounts which I later did self-research and learned a lot about Fundamental analysis and Technical analysis affecting Financial market and Corporate institutions.

Martin Arthur Otieno
Alumni and Returning Student 2020
My name is April Khong and I just graduated from New Charter University with an Associate of Science in Communication Degree.
I always have had a fear in studying online and prefer classroom kind of setup because I feel that I could raise questions immediately or have a discussion with classmates when in doubt. Impressively, I would like to say that I had a fruitful learning with the instructors at NCU. They have been coaching me patiently and showing great encouragement despite the time difference between countries. Even responding almost immediately at wee hours(for them) just to answer my questions. The most exciting and impactful value I had learned from NCU, is to believe in myself, to be independent and organize my time to successfully obtain my desired results. A piece of advice to the future NCU students, face your fear and never be afraid to try. Lastly, with this degree, I could now further my higher studies to be a successful counselor.

April Khong
Associate of Science in Communication Degree – 2020
My name is Faith Petrov. I am a proud graduate of the MBA in Healthcare program, New Charter University.
I would have never been able to accomplish this without the tremendous support I received from the NCU leadership, administrative staff, student advisor, and my professors. Just like so many of us who are studying online while trying to fulfill other life responsibilities, I was hesitant to enroll in the MBA program; I was anxious about whether I can handle both school work and other life responsibilities. My message to students is: Never get discouraged. Whether students or not, life will always impose multiple demands on us. It is better that we make strategies to manage such demands and take care of our study, health, and be thankful to the support and guidance we receive from those who made our success a reality.
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The MBA program at NCU is designed for success in practical, day to day, on the job, tasks. The content and project questions deal with real work situations that employees and managers face in their daily operations. Such formula helps students focus mostly on practical issues, strengthening their on the job thinking and problem solving skills. My advice to students: If in doubt or feel overwhelmed, contact your student advisor and professors to seek answers. Please trust that they will help you. We cannot get answers unless we ask. To New Charter University leadership, staff, professors, and students I wish you all the best with your future endeavors.
God be with your every step of life endeavors. Amen.

Faith Petrov
MBA – Health Care Management – 2019
My name is Dustin Burleson. I am a proud graduate of the MBA program, New Charter University.
I researched a long list of online and traditional MBA programs and I found New Charter University to be the best option for real-world experience and practical courses that I could use immediately in my career. Looking back, I’m thrilled to have completed my studies at New Charter University. It was challenging, rewarding and will carry me forward as I continue to learn and build my leadership skills.

Dustin Burleson
MBA – 2018
My name is Lilian Wambui Kimani. I am a proud graduate of the BSC In International Business Administration, New Charter University.
Why I Chose New Charter University: It brings a different breeze to education by availing distance learning. It’s 21st Century approach of learning enables studying anywhere, anytime.
Advice I would give to students working on their degree: Education liberates and is a doorway to greater heights.
How the program helped my develop as a leader: It subjected me to diverse circumstances requiring leadership skills. Solving problems using the learned concepts and research gave me knowledge that keeps me a step or steps ahead.
Challenges that have come up in your degree program and how you overcame them: Divided attention sometimes since its self-paced learning. I collaborated with fellow students to help maintain my focus.

Lilian Wambui Kimani
Undergrad Certificate – Business Administration – 2018
My name is Rodney Pettus. I am a proud graduate of the Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice, New Charter University.
My career: 18-20 years in loss Prevention and security. Currently in 3rd year as an elected official (Lauderdale County License Commissioner)
Company profile: Lauderdale County License Commissioners office. We handle all tags, titles, business license, hunting and fishing license, and drivers license renews for the county.
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Why I chose New Charter University: My former boss told me about the university. He was taking classes which got me interested.
Advice I would like to give students working on their degree: Don’t give up. It took me 13 years to receive my degree. Life happens but don’t let that stop you. Get that part fixed and start back again. If I can do it, anyone can.
How the program helped develop me as a leader: I was able to take the things learned an apply to my job pretty easily. I understand the law better and how to use it to make the cases I made work in my favor.
Challenges that have come up in your degree program and how to overcome them: Life. It occurs which causes set backs. Get those set back done and then start back. Like I said earlier, it took me 13 years but I did it.

Rodney Pettus
Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice – 2019
My name is Samuel Ochieng’ Ngesa . I am a proud graduate of the MBA in Finance, New Charter University.
One of the skills that learners need to make good use of is communication.
Throughout studies, I have faced tones of challenges e.g. losing a laptop. The coaches from NCU were very understanding in helping me to reconnect and submit my projects and occasionally extend the deadlines.
For the online studies, it is required of any learner to have a high level of discipline as there is no one to push you to work. You also have to challenge yourself i.e. have a goal and yearn to meet it. I mean, you are responsible for your own happiness, sadness or whatever state you are in…you own your future! Go out there and find what you love and have a passion for. Then give it your best shot.

Samuel Ochieng’ Ngesa
MBA – Finance 2018
My name is Adan Hussein. I am a proud graduate of the MBA in Finance, New Charter University.
The major challenge is presented by the best benefit of the educational platform of the university; CONVENIENCE.
Convenience is the most important benefit provided by the university followed by the tailor made relevant courses. The fact that we have control over our learning gives us the benefit of learning and advancing our carriers even when we are working and seem to have less time for learning. However, without a proper individual plan and timetable for learning, we may reach the end of the time allocated for the course without actually completing. This has been a major challenge which has been a fault of my own due to undue procrastination. Learning needs discipline and effective planning without which we fail to reach our goal.
However, I was finally able to arrest the problems and complete my course “better late than never”.
If it were not for the support of the university team, I would not have finished my course. Kudos to the team at NCU and the great learning platform. Keep up the good work.
Adan Hussein MBA – Finance 2018
”“New Charter’s program didn’t just provide me with a degree, it provided me with an education. As a working professional and provider for my family, I did not have the time or ability to pursue my MBA at a traditional “brick and mortar” campus. New Charter provided me with a program that allowed me to work at my own pace, and provided courses that helped me gain real world perspective."
John Brown FlyMBA - 2017
”“The ideas and concepts presented in my NCU curriculum taught me how to be a better manager at work because I understand more about finance, accounting, and computers than I did before.”
David Robinson2017
”“I have learned how to work with and develop employees to obtain positive business outcomes while maintaining positive employee morale."
Lori Ann Arcomone2017
”“New Charter University provided me with the roadmap to a degree and more importantly, my dreams. I am so proud to be a graduate and alumnus.”
Erik Kokkonen2017
”“As I graduate with BCs in Business Management and Leadership from New Charter University am felt with gratitude to, Technology, Yea even coming from 3rd world internet has an abled me achieve what I could have done in a traditional class set up. Dedicated staff, I can only say NCU has the best instructors dedicated to learners needs and able to deal with people from across different social background. Flexible time table, One can complete courses within own time schedule so enough time to work on projects especially with General courses. Among other reason am grateful have had this rare opportunity to have my undergraduate degree from World class institution. One quick advise I can give to any learner taking NCU online courses is please do away with the habit of procrastination it wastes lots of valuable time.”
Joseph Muteti2017