University Scholarship Opportunities
Scholarships have specific application requirements and all applications are reviewed by Bottega University’s Scholarship Committee, consisting of the President, the Academic Dean, and the Admissions Director.
The Scholarship Committee determines whether to approve or deny the scholarship application. See Scholarship opportunities described below. If awarded, the scholarship will be applied to the recipient in the third term of study.

Heritage Scholarship
Recipients will receive 50% off one term of tuition.
- Must be enrolled in a degree program.
- Must have completed 12-semester credits at Bottega University.
- Must have a GPA of at least 3.5.
Submit a 500-word reflection paper using the topic “How my studies at Bottega University would contribute to my ability to give back or pay it forward to a future Bottega University student.”
Bottega University’s Continuing Alumni Scholarship
Bottega University would like to show our support for your continued education and congratulate you for a job well-done.
Bottega University would like to show our support for your continued education and congratulate you for a job well-done. This scholarship is for students who finished their Undergraduate degree program at BU and wish to continue into their Graduate program with the University or completed a certificate or Associate degree and want to continue forward to earn an Associate or Bachelor’s degree. Students must have completed a prior undergraduate degree or certificate program with Bottega University within the past three years and maintained a GPA of at least 3.5. Recipients will be awarded a scholarship equal to one term at the graduate tuition level (to a student’s first term).
- Must have completed a prior undergraduate degree or certificate program from Bottega University within the previous three years.
- Must have earned a GPA of at least 3.5.
Student Journey Scholarship
The Student Journey Scholarship originated with the desire to assist students who have experienced a life event making it difficult to return to school without financial assistance. Recipients will be awarded a scholarship equal to one term at the undergraduate tuition level.
- Student has applied for financial support options and has been determined ineligible.
- Student has experienced an identified, substantiated life event.
Submit a complete scholarship application.
The University’s scholarships are listed on the University’s website. Scholarships have specific application requirements. The scholarship application is found under the “Tuition & Payments” section. The application must be completed by the student and submitted online. Supporting documents when requested by the Scholarship Committee are to be emailed to The committee meets once a month when there are any scholarship applications and documents to review. All applications are reviewed by Bottega University’s Scholarship Committee, consisting of the President, the Academic Director, the Registrar, and the Accounting Director, plus two faculty members, who collectively determine whether to grant or deny the scholarship application. No single person can guarantee scholarships or has the authority to approve a scholarship on behalf of the University.